Hello world, I'm Clark. I'm an entrepreneur + IT administrator + avid hiker. Read more...
75 Hard Challenge
On October 30, 2023, I started the 75 Hard fitness challenge with a group of friends. 86 days later I finished my third attempt on January 24, 2024. The challenge took me more than 75 days to complete because I started over, twice. 75 Hard is the brainchild of influencer and entrepreneur Andy Frisella...
Scrum Master Certification
I'm *VERY* excited to add Scrum Master to my credentials and was fascinated to learn the difference between this and Project Manager. As I continue to apply for Project Management roles while starting my own side hustle, I could really use the reminder of how to do things better, faster and it came Just In Time!
CAPM Certification
Completed the Project Management Institute's Certified Associate Project Manager online course and certification exam. It was a great experience and I highly recommend it to anyone who, like me, is building their career in web development and project management.
Gatsby Dark Mode
Implementing dark mode on a Gatsby site can be amazingly easy! This post gives detailed instructions in four steps with code blocks. Or, follow the link at the beginning of the post to simply fork the demo repo from GitHub.